After several trials to directly write posts in my medium, I just made up my mind to build the blog home here. Well, actually I enjoy the well-built society in medium and actually I follow several decent channels there, e.g. towards data science. However, I get used to markdown and latex (for math) especially for scientific posts, but I cannot use them for the posts in medium and I always get stuck for the formula editing. For the older posts in my medium I just put the corresponding links in my blog home here, but for the new posts I will write them here and probably export them to my medium or my LinkedIn.

This is my first post published in Neovim Setups for Data Science . In recent years I use Neovim and sublime text for coding works. They are both well-known editors more efficient than current electron-based editors, such as atom, vscode, rstudio, and etc, always suffering latency and overhead problems. Neovim is primitive and easily set up in unix-like systems. Generally speaking, Linux system (NO GUI) is usually preferred in the cloud or server. If one can be familiar with Neovim or vim, then the remote working mode is so convenient: one can just use the lightweight notebook to ssh connect to the cloud and server from anywhere Internet can cover. Within this post I just introduce the latest version Neovim 0.5 much approaching to Lua, and most importantly several typical plugins for data science are shared. One can also check my codes in my Github. Just for fun!